216 K news

Learn and work - Arterium offers students the opportunity to develop

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 11:00 Category:Здоров'я

In the beginning of a full-blown invasion, many students and young people went abroad. Part did this because of the danger and the lack of understanding of development prospects. The first to correct the situation was to begin socially responsible Ukrainian companies. Among them, the Arterium Corporation, which despite the war, continues to work and provide jobs. One of the important areas of corporate work is developing and teaching students. In the joint Special Forces, Gazeta.ua and Arterium, we'll tell you how even

В Україні дешевшають помідори - нові ціни

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 10:50 Category:Економіка

В Україні цього тижня подешевшали тепличні томати. Причиною називають сезонне збільшення пропозиції з місцевих теплиць. Водночас попит на помідори помітно знизився. Про це повідомляють аналітики проєкту EastFruit. Станом на 25 квітня, місцеві помідори продавали по 90-120 грн/кг ($2,28-3,04/кг), що в середньому на 20% дешевше, ніж наприкінці минулого робочого тижня. ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: В Україні подешевшала картопля: що сталося Представники українських тепличних комбінатів нарікають на повну відсутніс

Subtitles by why ZW brings the Abrams tank back from the front: analysts called cause

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 10:22 Category:Суспільство

The leading team has taken American tanks from M1A1 Abrams from the front line due to the threat of attacks of Russian drones and other strikes. The court confirmed the experts of the Institute for War study. And that's what ISW is referring to. The analysts are sent to the publication of the Associated Press from April 26. The introduction puts two unidentified American military records on the Abrams tanks in an advanced part due to the use of the Russians of the Unmanned. Now, here we go. About a hundred combat collisions

Що одягнути на Великдень: три модні образи

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 10:16 Category:Мода

На Великдень зазвичай обирають аутфіт зі світлих кольорів, які символізують весняне відродження. Не забувайте про аксесуари. Цього року зверніть увагу на вінки зі свіжих квітів. Gazeta.ua зібрала три святкові образи, які точно вам сподобаються. Легка весняна сукня Обирайте пастельні відтінки або сукню з квітковим принтом. Додайте білі чи кремові туфлі на підборах та кардиган або шарф у весняних тонах. ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: Який одяг не можна носити жінкам з фігурою "пісочного годинника": ви будете здив

Lauri Verne Sun: That you must bring to church and what prayer to speak

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 10:01 Category:Цікаво

On April 28th, the right kings represent the Verb Sunday. This is the 12th holiday which means the entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem ahead of its supernatural human travel and death in Golgotha. This is the day to go to church and sanctify the willow. The Sunday Day date is always tied to Easter, and that's why every year changes. But they always celebrate a week before the Lord's resurrection. Throughout Christmas tradition, they walk on this day to serve in a temple where they celebrate the branches of the Verbs. You can also put a candle on it from

The allies have gone away, the evalers have sailed to Ukraine

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 10:00 Category:Погляд

On the night of last Sunday, after more than half a year's delay, internal political chevard and uncertainty, Congress of the United States made a decision about giving Ukraine military assistance in the amount of $61 billion. It was the time when we knew American congressmen better than the Superior Council of Ukraine. Mike Johnson, Victoria Spart, Taylor Green, Chuck Shamer. Ukrainians have watched a direct broadcast to Congress as if it were Europe or the end of the League of champions from football. To approve the "Democrats" package and

Synchronized Front died by a Ukrainian reporter named Andriy Tupping

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 09:56 Category:Надзвичайні події

On the front of the Workstation in April 20th, during the war mission, the reporter of Andrew Tupus died. He was a soldier named ZW and a war medical officer for the flying battalion. This has been reported by the Supreme Council press. The journalist has been in 2014 to protect Ukraine. AATO received sergeant's title. Now, here we go. "I knew it would be war" by the author of Igor Massra in 2007, he graduated the History Department of Kyiv National University of Taras

Від гламурної блонди до елегантної леді: як змінилась Оля Полякова за 20 років

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 09:56 Category:Зірки

Українська співачка 45-річна Оля Полякова продовжує вражати прихильників молодим виглядом і струнким тілом. Жінка знімає кліпи і дає концерти, у яких не лише приголомшує своїм голосом, а й ритмічними танцями. Gazeta.ua пропонує пригадати, якою артистка була 20 років тому. Полякова увірвалась в український шоу-бізнес у образі гламурної білявки. Тоді Оля одягала екстремально короткі спідниці, робила яскравий макіяж і об'ємні укладки. Виконавиця знімалася для чоловічих журналів у відвертих образах

hang Do not confuse with a hooker: The TPS will send a new document

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 09:42 Category:Суспільство

As soon as a new law takes effect on mobilizing territorial applications and social support, other documents will be given. It's about wine that shouldn't be confusing with a whore. That's what Roman Simutin was talking about on his YouTube channel. He pointed out that TPS is not a summons. "Notice that the TPA offers you a claim to limit your control if you have no demands and not a summons. These are two different legal terms. If ever with a sled

couple of weapons from the United States has already arrived in Ukraine - a nardop

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 09:17 Category:Суспільство

The second piece of weapons from the United States of America has arrived in Ukraine. The other part is on the road. Kyiv 24 told the secretary of the Supreme Council Committee of National Security, Defense and intelligence of Roman Constanco. In his words, some weapons, when the decision is accepted appear in Ukraine earlier than it is declared. Now, here we go. ISW analysts have analyzed whether Ukraine can free the occupied RF territory "I think we're already in traffic

couple of weapons from the United States has already arrived in Ukraine - a nardop

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 09:17 Category:Суспільство

The second piece of weapons from the United States of America has arrived in Ukraine. The other part is on the road. Kyiv 24 told the secretary of the Supreme Council Committee of National Security, Defense and intelligence of Roman Constanco. In his words, some weapons, when the decision is accepted appear in Ukraine earlier than it is declared. Now, here we go. ISW analysts have analyzed whether Ukraine can free the occupied RF territory "I think we're already in traffic

The enemy hit en-France - showed the consequences

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 08:58 Category:Надзвичайні події

The Russian invaders at night versus April 27 hit the Iraqi missile at John-France. They treated a fire caused by a shooting. It was reported in the HU DAlDS area. Now, here we go. RFF struck four Ukrainian power stations at night - DFC specifically crashed into a critical infrastructure object. "There was a fire on the Square of over 200 mil, which was poisoned by the firefighters. There is no suffering, "it is in a message. Russian terrorists on night

Russia released 34 rockets in Ukraine: night attack details

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 08:49 Category:Надзвичайні події

The Russian terrorists, on the night of April 27, had another combined blow in Ukraine in different types of rockets. The total enemy used 34 aircraft on the air, on the ground, and on the sea. Ukrainian PNC destroyed 21 air targets. This has been announced by the Air Force Commander of Olebok. Now, here we go. 13 missiles destroyed: The effects of the RF attack on the Dnieper, in particular, of the invaders released: - nine & prime; Five crippled X-101 / X-555 planes of strategic aviation, 95 MS (district

nearly 100 combat collisions per day - Henstaff announced the situation on the front

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 08:33 Category:Надзвичайні події

Throughout the last 24 hours of the front, there was 94 battle collision. The total enemy was 12 rocket hit and 76 aircraft hit, shot 83 shots from jet fire systems at the positions of the Ukrainian troops and the population points. On the morning of April 27, the EU's military has announced. In the air strikes 30 populous units took place in the air. Under the artillery fire, the enemy was over 110 populace, Sumanski, Kharkiv, Lugana, Dunka, Zaporizra,

This kind of weekend comes out once a decade: We don't know which tools to prepare for superchange

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 08:30 Category:Суспільство

Ms. 27-28 April, avoid jealous people. Don't mention your friends in family business. Happiness loves quiet. This is Gazeta. ua telling the astronomer Olena Maxim. That doesn't mean it's time to sit, put your hands together. You'll get a generous reward for the labor. The soup will be a day of new ideas, of great knowledge, and of course. The original decisions will allow us to find a way out of any difficult situation. You can start another training course. Rename the experience of professionals

RFf struck four Ukrainian power stations at night - DFC

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 08:12 Category:Надзвичайні події

Russia at night versus April 27 attacked four Ukrainian warm plants. As a result of enemy strike, hardware is severely damaged. They reported it at the DMC. Now, here we go. 13 missiles destroyed: The effects of the RF attack on the Dnipropetrovo have shown that the Enemy has fired a mass of energy objects in Ukraine. According to the previous information, unfortunately, there will be more damage. We give all the help we need. It's a very damaged company equipment. These minutes of energy are trying to liquidate the consequences of attacks

How many invaders have been sent to the Kozzone concert: report of the new RF loss

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 08:01 Category:Надзвичайні події

The general casualties of Russian occupants on April 27 were 465 054 people. Over the last 24 invaders reported the Ukraine Military General. "Data says," it's in a message. Now, here we go. ISW analysts have analyzed whether Ukraine can free the occupied RF territory in total during a full-blown war Russian:

= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man revealed the effects of the RF attack on Dnipropetroin

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 07:47 Category:Надзвичайні події

The Dnipropetrovite at night and morning April 27 survived another massive RF attack. The bulk of the VAT force was destroyed in the area of 13 missiles -- in Dnipro, Krivoc, and Pavlov areas. It was reported by the head of the Dnipropetrov OUR Sergeac. According to him, the Dniester and Krivoc areas have corrupted energy objects. There's been a couple of studies. A 39-year-old man was hit. He was hospitalized in middle-weight state. Now, here we go. Drunken windows and leechers out: showed the lines

Росія атакувала енергетичну інфраструктуру України - Міненерго

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 07:35 Category:Надзвичайні події

Росія вночі 27 квітня вчергове атакувала енергетичну інфраструктуру України. Зокрема, ворог завдав ударів по об'єктах у Дніпропетровській, Івано-Франківській та Львівській областях. Про це повідомив міністр енергетики Герман Галущенко. ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: Побиті вікна та п'ятиметрові вирви: показали наслідки удару РФ по лікарні в Харкові За його словами, є пошкодження обладнання. "На одному з об'єктів поранено начальника зміни - енергетик отримав контузію. Наслідки атак уточнюються. Триває робота над

Потужна "бавовна" в Росії: палали два НПЗ

gazeta.ua 27 Apr. 07:15 Category:Надзвичайні події

У російському Краснодарському краї вночі проти 27 квітня сталася потужна "бавовна". Там зафіксовані влучання та пожежі на двох нафтопереробних заводах. Про це повідомляють російські Telegram-канали та місцева влада. Зокрема, за словами губернатора Краснодарського краю Веніаміна Кондрат'єва, у Слов'янському, Сіверському та Кущівському районах нібито було подавлено понад 10 безпілотників. "Намагалися атакувати НПЗ і об'єкти інфраструктури. Як доповідають із місць - постраждалих і серйозних пошкодж

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